ready to makae a difference?
become a caring workplace
In 2022, according to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMSHA), there were 16,909 Tennesseans admitted to drug and alcohol treatment facilities. By becoming a Caring Workplace, you are creating a work environment focused on the overall health and well-being of your workforce and their families. Statistics show that approximately 70% of individuals with addiction and or substance use disorders are in the workforce. By joining us and becoming a Caring Workplace, you will be provided trainings and other necessary resources at no cost to you, which will help your company recruit and retain healthier, more productive, and motivated employees.
There is no cost associated with the various introductory
trainings or to become a Caring Workplace.
Once completed, the business will be placed on our Caring Workplaces website as a participant. They will receive a "Participant" certificate and a “Caring Workplaces” logo cling to place in their business’ window so that they may proudly be identified within their community as a Caring Workplace.
becoming a certified caring workplace
becoming a caring workplaces participant
Employers submit a "Letter of Interest" to learn more about the Caring Workplaces Initiative. This will express your organization's or business's desire to learn more about our initiative. Our representative will meet with you and help walk you through the process and criteria while keeping in mind what is best for your organization's individual needs.
Employers will meet with a Caring Workplaces Coordinator, receive an orientation, and sign a "Letter of Intent & Agreement".
Employers will sign a written Declaration Statement to employees, and add it to the Employee Onboarding process, stating their workplace's commitment to Caring Workplaces principles and its participation in this initiative.
Employers become a Caring Workplaces participant.
Upon completion of the above requirements, the employer will be officially certified as a “Caring Workplace” and will be recognized through various press release and press events throughout the year. They will also be featured on the “Certified Caring Workplaces” page of the website and their logo will be prominently displayed throughout the website. They will receive a "Certified" certificate and a “Caring Workplaces” logo cling to place in their business’ window so that they may proudly be identified within their community a Caring Workplace.
To be completed within 9 months of Caring Workplaces designation with assistance from the Caring Workplaces Coordinator and resources.
Employer agrees to a review of your company’s alcohol & drug policy by experts in best practices from ETSU’s Addiction Science Center, and be receptive to making the recommended revisions as suggested.
The employer ensures that all your identified leadership / management team will participate in a “Supervisors Training” provided by our staff at your workplace.
At least 30% of the company's employee base will receive annual training which can be done through the Caring Workplaces online training platform, in person or virtually.
becoming a gold certified caring workplace
Gold certification is optional.
Your Employer Coordinator will discuss with you,
ways to gain Gold Certification if you are interested.
Work with the Caring Workplaces Coordinator to determine additional training for supervisors and employees that would most benefit your business and have supervisors, as well as employees, attend.
Agree to post job openings on the Jobs4TN website and hire people from our PEER supported pipeline of employees from within the recovery and/or justice-involved communities.
Be willing to attend our quarterly “Employer Networking Sessions” to give feedback and discuss with the Caring Workplaces Coordinator, what works and how to improve the initiative.
Agree to accompany the Caring Workplaces Coordinator on speaking engagements to promote Caring Workplaces in an effort to recruit additional employers by sharing your success stories and personal experiences as a Caring Workplace.
Facilitate additional promotional opportunities for Caring Workplaces.
(i.e.: invitations to speak to targeted groups, etc.)
Develop a Caring Workplaces taskforce or incorporate this focus into an existing health, wellness or safety committee(s) in your workplace.)
Participate in at least one community-based prevention or recovery focused activity annually.
Upon completion of any additional Recovery Friendly activities, trainings or hiring efforts through the Caring Workplaces pipeline, your business will receive the highest level of certification possible and by doing so, clearly demonstrate your company’s dedication to creating, maintaining and fostering a “Caring Workplace” culture for not only your current employees but potential employees and the community at large.